Monday, 28 November 2011

Proshape RX, Start Losing Weight Toady.

Prevent Hunger Cravings and Start Losing Weight in 7 Days with ProShape Rx.

Are you on that endless diet cycle? You have the best of intentions; you are motivated and seriously ready to shed those unwanted pounds. You start the day on a positive note and are all set to eat well, but then those mid day cravings and hunger pangs hit. It's almost impossible at that stage to hang on to your willpower. Your stomach is grumbling, you know it is three hours until your next meal and all of a sudden you find yourself standing in front of the vending machine popping in a dollar.

Losing your willpower and succumbing to snacking is one of the number one reasons that utilizing dieting alone to lose weight just does not work. When your stomach is not complaining, it is not that difficult to keep to your diet plans. But when that empty feeling hits, motivation is almost impossible to keep.

But now, there is an amazing weight loss product that can safely and effectively help to deter those willpower killers. ProShapeRX is the doctor and herbalist-endorsed weight loss system that is completely designed to help you quickly and easily shed those unwanted pounds without having to endure hunger pains.

The secret behind the ProShapeRX is a 100% safe and natural ingredient called, Hoodia Gordonii. This amazing plant has several medicinal uses and grows naturally in South Africa and Namibia. One of the original discovered uses was to treat indigestion, but more importantly it was found to be used as an appetite suppressant by the indigenous populations of South Africa during long hunting trips. And now this plant has been cultivated and is used as part of the ProShapeRX formula to help you take advantage of this long known positive side effect.

ProShapeRX will help you control those hunger cravings and allow you to stick to your original weight loss plans and meal schedule. It is simple and easy to use. You simply take one pill at every meal time and this well-known appetite suppressant will give you the little extra boost you need to obtain your weight loss goal. The natural ingredients found in the ProShapeRX system have all been medically researched and endorsed. There are no detrimental side effects and the results will be so positive you will wonder why you didn't try this weight loss supplement before. Soon all your friends will be wondering your secret.

Can you imagine how you are going to feel even after seven days of taking this supplement? You will start to see and feel the results almost immediately. You will soon have more energy, your clothes will start to feel looser and you will be even more motivated to stick to it! So what are you waiting for? There is no risk involved in trying the ProShapeRX natural weight loss system today. There is even a thirty day money back guarantee. So there is no need for any more excuses. Order your trial today and know by next week you are going to be feeling better and well on your way to your new slimmer and healthier self!

For more information, go to

Saturday, 19 November 2011

The Chocolate Weight Loss Diet System

Get A Piece Of The Action: Eating Chocolate And Losing Weight! It Doesn't Get Any Better Than That.

Check it out!

The Effect Of Diet On Acne

A Comprehensive Review Of All Scientific Studies On Diet And Its Effect On Acne. Eighty Sources And Hundreds Of Pages Of Research Condensed Into A Concise, Easy To Understand Book By A Dermatologist For His Own Patients Who Asked "what Foods Cause Acne?"

Check it out!

Rapid Weight Loss: The Cabbage Soup Diet Way!

Lose Up To 10lbs In A Single Week! Most Diets Take Forever To Show You Progress...and Most People Simply Give Up. These Diets Do Work, If You Can Stick To Them, But At A Loss Of About 1 Pound Per Week, That Is Not Very Encouraging.

Check it out!

Friday, 18 November 2011

Saturday Morning Diet

See Why 99% Of Diets & Exercise Plans Fail! Learn A Weight Loss System That Actually Gives You The Results Your Looking For! Check it out!

Hcg Diet Project

Hcg Diet Project Helps Those Using Hcg To Lose Weight. Includes Cookbook, Exercises, And Everything One Will Need To Lose Weight And Keep It Off While Using Hcg. Check it out!

Monday, 31 October 2011

Lose 45 lbs in just 30 days easily

A lady doctor named Dr Suzanne Gudakunst has just released what many are calling the end of the need for potentially harmful weight-loss drugs and designer foods made to help you lose weight.

Dr Suzanne's discovery allows anyone regardless of their particular diet to do "just one simple thing" and instantly start shedding anywhere from 15 lbs to as much as 200 lbs of unwanted and dangerous fat!

Typical results average 45 lbs in just the first 30 days alone for most people just starting out using her new secret.

The reason this is so is because her secret (aptly titled: "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret") operates on an entirely different approach in the battle against the ever-increasing "bulge."

Dr Suzanne discovered that harmful crusty "plaque" builds up over the years in all of us - and which is the direct result of harmful chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, etc. deliberately placed in perhaps every food on the market (much of which is now suspected as being carefully and intentionally done so that people will continue to get fatter and thus sicker, and in order to make the food & drug companies richer!)

The result: This harmful plaque is responsible for your weight gain because is BLOCKS your body's natural ability to absorb proper nutrition - and which causes two (2) chief things to occur:

  >>  Your body starves no matter how much you eat - so by not
      feeling satisfied you continue to stuff your face and get very
      very fat (and eventually at the permanent cost of your

  >>  Your body thinks it's starving so your 'hypothalamus'
      adjusts your metabolism to burn food much, much slower in
     an effort to store food - thus making you even more and
      more fatter than even before!

So it makes sense that if and when you REMOVE this unwanted "garbage" from lacing your 'insides,' you will naturally start dissolving the fat and "stored chunks of lard" that disfigure an otherwise more attractive and healthier frame and sexier body.

As if this 'plaque' goop weren't enough, Dr Suzanne identified multitudes of specific species of "parasites" (i.e., little worm-like "critters" - some which have 'fangs' but no eyes) living inside nearly 99.964% of all people's small and large intestines in the United States alone, and about 92.36% of people on average worldwide.

These parasites excrete (meaning they take a CRAP inside YOU!) a jelly-like "SLUDGE" they coats your insides and which is very, very harmful and extremely TOXIC!

Additionally, much like the plaque, they often steal your nutrition which in turn again causes your body to believe it's starving, and as a defense you continue even more just to get FATTER and FATTER!

These parasites usually end up dying (but not before laying millions of eggs!) -- and once they die they fossilize forming a coral-like barrier preventing your even further from absorbing the correct amounts of proper nutrition.

When these parasites are FLUSHED from your guts, you end up magically losing tons of fat and extra weight - and even WITHOUT making one slight change to your diet or how much you eat!

SHOCKINGLY, these same "little critters (as Dr Suzanne calls them) actually release chemical "messengers" that make you crave foods that you are not even supposed to eat at all!

People who get rid of the parasites, therefore, suddenly find that they no longer even desire the Cheetos, pork rinds, jelly-filled treats, and 10,000's of other equally deadly so-called "foods."

In the past 6 years alone Dr Suzanne has tested her amazing new discovery and "TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret" privately with a select group of volunteers, and seen results that fall nothing short of the truly FANTASTIC!

For instance, a Chicago woman who weighed until recently a whopping 587 lbs and who had even been visited by a living-legendary diet and fitness guru (name withheld by request), but who after much direct assistance from him (the guru) was not able to shed even 1 lb, suddenly dropped 449 lbs from her body weight in under 5 months using Dr Suzanne's SECRET! -- and she didn't change or reduce one thing she regularly ate in her diet!

Now the woman weighs just 138 lbs, looks like a completely different woman altogether -- and as if that weren't enough, she became a swimsuit model for a well-known company! (But most importantly, this woman added who knows how many years to her life as a direct result of using Dr Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!")

Another equally tearfully-joyous account was of a woman named Lisa Stephens from Ohio who was told her diabetes could "never" be cured or reversed -- and this by countless doctors.

After shedding over 156 lbs in just 91 days of having used this same amazing revolutionary breakthrough secret discovered by Dr Suzanne, her diabetes is gone completely and she no longer depends on insulin just to be able to survive!

These kinds of results are flooding Dr Suzanne's email each and everyday from all over the world (not just from North America -- which has by far the fattest population as a group).

And even though you like me recognize these results as both newsworthy and for the common good of humanity as a whole, there are some who are literally out to get the good lady doctor.

Recently investigators began carefully keeping an extra protective eye on Dr Suzanne after she received death threats from "individuals" purportedly connected to the vast drug empires and weight-loss food manufacturing companies.

It would appear on the face of it that Dr Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" must really work, because if it didn't no one would care to bring her harm.

This would be akin to an inventor discovering how to make a car that runs on water instead of gas assassinated by the major auto manufacturers!

Investigators insist that the reason she received threats is largely because what she is doing may actually make people healthier, leaner, sexier and trimmer, as well as make them live longer fuller lives -- and as a result they stand to lose lots of money (possibly BILLIONS of dollars!!)

The BEST part of her secret is that it's nothing difficult to do, and it doesn't require a major change in either your lifestyle or diet.

In fact, "Nature's actually on our side" according to Dr Suzanne, as her solution to the arduous ills of fat and obesity is simply the ingestion of Nature's own 'protections' against both the harmful death-causing/obesity-causing plaque as well as the nasty little critters living in your bowels!

Anyone with anywhere from just a few extra pounds to those 100 lbs or more overweight must as a rule now secure for themselves Dr Suzanne's "TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret" (and before someone tries to lobby against you ever discovering what's truly in it!)

I recognize a great thing when I see one -- and THIS SECRET is definitely the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

We all know that people are just getting fatter and fatter, and more and more UNHEALTHY - so this is a secret whose time is long overdue.

While many people may tell you to just stick to your diet, exercise to the point of exhaustion, etc, the naysayers will definitely be disappointed when they find out that Dr Suzanne's cure to obesity is completely NATURAL!

If you want the good doctor's secret for yourself and so that no one can ever take it away from you or steal out of your hands, then all you need to do is grab your own PDF copy here:

But I have to warn you of two (2) things:

  1.    Pay processors are already struggling to keep up with
        orders as this SECRET is now one of the most sought after
        things anywhere online! (So if you put off, don't be surprised
        to find you can't even place your order, and may not receive
        notice as to when order-taking may resume.)

  2.    Dr Suzanne in an effort to get people to get off their butts
        and to take action for their own good, is making it available
        at nearly HALF OFF just for people getting over there
        TODAY through the next 48 hours only -- after that, the low
        price now nearly DOUBLES! (So you'd best beat the crowds
        over there NOW!)

So if you're wise, and want to grab her secret before something unforeseen forever prevents you from doing so, then you'd best do what I did and go secure it now Here.....

How many times have you seen sudden "breakthroughs" of such great controversy potentially come along and cause a woman doctor to actually get death threats for her secret 'know-how?' -- You're right ... very, very few.

So don't overlook this email as it may very well prove to be one of the most influential and important ones you've ever received...


Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Phase 3 hCG Diet Foods

After Phase 2 of the hCG diet there are three weeks of Phase 3 stabilization. However nothing in the Pounds and Inches manuscript details the Phase 3 food list. All Dr. Simeons says is avoid sugar and starch. When Dr. Simeons wrote his manuscript there wasn’t a large amount of foods being massed produced for consumption as they are today.

With this in mind hCG Diet Info has 5 tips for your as you build your hCG Diet Phase 3 food list.

1. Avoid man made pre packaged foods
2. Avoid sugars, processed foods and refined white flour
3. Portion control at every meal
4. Moderation is #1 rule when eating carb loaded, refined sugar foods
5. Exercise

There are several eating styles you can adapt to make the hCG diet phase 3 stabilization, short term and long term maintenance work for you. The maintenance phases of Atkins low carb, South Beach Diet, Mediterranean eating styles are all good choices to look for hCG diet phase 3 foods.

There isn’t any caloric restraints during Phase 3 or on maintenance. What most people find is that after being on Phase 2 of the hCG diet they eat less naturally and are better able to control portion size and their tastes have altered while on the protocol.

Picking up a good nutritional food counter book like Netzer’s is an excellent resource. And yes if you have eaten any Miracle Noodles on Phase 2 you can continue with Phase 3 and beyond!

Another rule of thumb while on Phase 3 is moderation in dairy. Dairy not only contains sugar but can cause gains. Use high fat dairy foods vs. low fat. Heavy whipping cream for your milk, full fat cottage cheese and such are much better than their low part counter parts. When in doubt read the labs or refer to you nutritional book.

There is no need to worry about gaining while in stabilization or in maintenance if you follow the tips above and in the manuscript, limited as they are, you will be fine!

Apple day in the diet hCG

From time to time in phase 2 of the diet hCG, some people can reach a plateau for a few days.  A plateau is of 4 consecutive days without loss of weight or inch. While the body Yes will normally operate through this stage, can cause stress and unnecessary concerns during a loss of lift from the diet hCG.  In such cases there is an alternative that can be used for a day called "Apple day".    You will continue to for 24 hours, eating only 6 blocks and a minimal amount of water - other liquids are not allowed.

All people will have a plateau sooner or later. A plateau always corrects itself, but many people who have become accustomed to daily loss regular unnecessarily worried and begin to fret. Nothing will convince them one plateau does not mean that they already do not respond normally to treatment.  Often, although not shown in the balance weight loss, they are still losing inches.  His body is restructured, although it considered that the scales indicates otherwise.

It is possible to break the plateau by having an "apple day".  An apple day begins at noon and continues until just before lunch on the second day. People may have six large apples and one can eat when they feel the desire though six apples is the maximum allowed. During a day of apple are not permitted other food or drink except for natural water and water only can drink enough as to quench a thirst uncomfortable if you are still eating an Apple leaves thirsty. The majority does not feel need for water and is quite happy with their six apples. Needless to say, day apple will still do your hCG drops or injections. Apple day produces a rewarding weight loss the next day, mainly due to the Elimination of water. This water is not recovered when they then resume their normal diet 500 calories at lunch and in the following days should continue to lose weight successfully.

Related entries:

Steak day DietOrganic Apple Cider VinegarHCG hCG diet - direct benefits and effects on DietersTop 9 hCG diet TipsThe weight loss cure ReviewhCG diet SodaPhase 3 hCGhCG diet - Oral drops InjectableshCG vs hCG diet exercise Tapp T ReivewReleana DietTags: 500 calories diet, Apple, apple day hcg diet, apples, consecutive days, desire, people, few days, Hcg, diet hcg, hCG diet food, HCG diet INFO, diet tips hcg, hcg injection, leaves, liquids, weight loss, lunch, phase 2, water of plain, plateau, psychological reasons, scales, stress, diet hcg, thirst, weight loss, concerns

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar For The hCG Diet

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is a Kevin Trudeau addition to the hCG diet protocol.  It is great on salads and as a meat tenderizer, but what are the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar when you are on the hCG protocol?

Apple Cider Vinegar has been used since 400BC as a cure all for many ailments so it is not a new medicine but one that is very old.

Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is made from fresh organic apples.  These helps you avoid the recent news that apples are one of the fruits that are high in pesticides that cause ADHA in children.  It does not go through the pasteurization process, which would rob important nutrients from the Apple Cider; instead, it goes the fermentation process twice, which retains its vitamins; Vitamin C, vitamin E, Vitamin A, B2 and B6, Vitamin P  , beta-carotene, pectin, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, chorine, sulphur, iron, and fluorine.  These vitamins and minerals give Raw Apple Cider Vinegar their health benefits.

These health benefits include fighting fungal and bacterial injections as well as dissolving uric acid deposits, all due to the malic acid.  Reducing cholesterol levels due to the pectin, which is a fiber.  These are important benefits especially if you are trying to lower your bad cholesterol and have joint pain, but for the hCG diet, Raw Apple Cider vinegar helps to break down fats in the body.

For use as a dressing, mix 2 tablespoons Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with 4 ounces purified water and pour over salads.  Additionally, to tenderize meats, you would follow the same directions and soak meat for 24-48 hours.

Other useful benefits of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, skin toner, reduce sunburn, treat dandruff.

By adding Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to your daily meals while on the hCG diet you are reaping the health benefits and the hCG fat loss benefits.

What Does hCG Stand For?

HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is a naturally occurring hormone found in both men and women, but is produced in large amounts in pregnant females. The “pregnancy” hormone feeds and nourishes the fetus by releasing the fat stores until the placenta is fully developed.

The hCG hormone almost completely controls a woman’s metabolic functions during her pregnancy. Dr. Simeons, author of Pounds and Inches manuscript, discovered the fact that in non-pregnant women using a small amount of hCG he could produce similar effects. Using daily hCG drops or injections for weight loss could similarly increases the metabolism, causing abnormal fat to be used and expelled. Dr. Simeons suggests that when taking hCG, in conjunction with a VCLD (very low calorie diet), abnormal fat is released from our bodies and our bodies are actually restructured along with our brains being taught to ‘rethink’ food and lifestyle habits being changed permanently.

The ideal dosage of real hCG Dr. Simeons found to produce fat releasing is between 125 iu to 200 iu in both men and women. Daily injections or oral drops of real hCG would dramatically change the body in a few short weeks when following the guidelines in the Pounds and Inches manuscript. Dr. Simeons protocol food list is very specific when using hCG and must be not be altered for the greatest success and fat release in the shortest period of time.

Now that you know what hCG stand for and how it is used for the hCG diet protocol, the next step is reading the Pounds and Inches manuscript, finding real hCG drops or injections to use on your hCG diet journey to weight loss and better heatlh. You can also use some or all of Kevin Trudeau‘s additions to the hCG diet to make it easier, reduce sugar and carb cravings, increase your fat loss and help suppress your appetite naturally.

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The HCG diet warnings

Sometimes, being obese or overweight it can point to an underlying condition that no diet no matter how safe or effective, can help. Others might have a family history of physical or mental conditions that prevents the diet correctly. As any other regime, following Dr. Simeons Protocol should be made after consultation with a doctor, there are some general hCG diet warnings and contraindications.

HCG is a hormone of pregnancy, men and women with endocrine conditions should consult a urologist or gynecologist before use. Although the levels of the hormone in virtually any form of drops of injection or oral are many, many times lower than the levels of blood found in pregnant women, people with excesses or deficiencies of other hormones reproductive may experience an increased risk of side effects to taking additional hormone amounts. Other hCG diet warnings include the fact that, as a hormone of pregnancy, additional amounts of the hormone has a risk of side effects similar to those experienced in pregnancy, however, for many people, the instance and the severity of these effects is still below the experienced real pregnancy. This hormone has been placed on the list of "prohibited substance" to play major league baseball as a drug that improves the performance of athletes. While this will not be a source of concern for the majority of the people taking steroids or practicing other professional sports must become aware of the hCG diet warnings.

If they have been diet immediately previously to try Dr. Simeons Protocol, you may experience one greater hunger or cravings instance during the reduction phase. The hCG diet for people earlier warnings also include ensuring you've eaten properly over the two days of eating or load phase and that, while this method is effective in encouraging the burning of fat deposits not structural, if you or a family member has been diagnosed with an eating disorder, don't try to this Protocol. The lack of sufficient structural, such as the hummocky organs and blood vessels fat is associated with an increased risk of health problems, including those not related to the Protocol or other hCG diet warnings. Seek the advice of a doctor or a family with treatments of obesity and eating disorders mental health professional before pursuing the Protocol of the Dr. Simeons.

One of the specific warnings of diet lifestyle hCG is that if you're a vegetarian or a vegetarian, the "Steak days" involved in the maintenance phase sometimes require eating a large steak. While a Steak day not necessarily may be required for you during the maintenance phase, depending on its success in maintaining its weight, it must take into account that another source of protein does not replace the steak.

Although Dr. Simeons diet is designed to work with the chemistry of the body and has a high degree of security, as any new diet or exercise routine, you should speak with your doctor before you start. Be prepared in advance with the hCG diet warnings and contraindications will help to get the most out of your experience with the Protocol, as well as to protect themselves from unwanted side effects.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Information about the HCG diet

Information on the diet hCG

If you are looking to lose weight and have tried countless other diets, chances are you've heard the name of "Dr. Simeons" or the words "hCG diet" before. Also, if you would like more information about the Protocol (but not sure where to start), here is something very basic information about hCG diet practices.

The Protocol was developed by Dr. Simeons and described in his book pounds and inches, an invaluable resource for information about hCG diet. After studying the effects of chorionic gonadotropin in human hormone in the chemistry of the brain and the body itself, Dr. Simeons realized the possibilities of small additional doses of it to help weight loss. Since hCG has worked in the hypothalamus during pregnancy to help mobilize certain deposits of fat in the body to ensure adequate fetal nutrition, and these same fat deposits are often the "stubborn" everyone has a hard time losing (in contrast to the easily metabolized needed fat and muscle tissue lost during a starvation diet)He realized that the introduction of small amounts of the hormone could trigger metabolism of fats in non-pregnant women, also. Also it has the same effect in the hypothalamus of men and children, you can use effectively in people of all ages and both genders. For those concerned with information on side effects hCG diet, hormone levels are several thousands of times smaller than the naturally produced by women during pregnancy, are rare and generally mild, although those with other Gynecologic or endocrine disorders should seek the advice of a doctor before you start.

Caloric restriction to 500 calories per day during the diet is also important and there is a lot of information about diet recipes hCG and tricks to keep satisfaction without trap or approach. Calories and fat of cargo during the early days of the Protocol, tasty recipes to make, there are numerous books and web sites devoted to various incarnations of the Dr. Simeons method. Beauty products containing fats and oils, should also be limited or avoided, and there are many lists of safe online products, as well as suppliers of "hCG diet safe alternatives to things as lotion and lip balm".

For information on the methods of the diet of hCG take hormone, you must find an expert in medical Protocol or a clinic in your area. Even if the hormone is naturally synthesized by the body, it is taken only in one of two ways.  Injection or sublingual (absorbed under the tongue). The method more effective and safe for you should be determined by a doctor or clinic, after looking at your medical history and conducting a review. This can help minimize or eliminate some unwanted side effects if you are in a bad state of health.

If you or a loved one, is strongly considering it's about the Protocol and would like to learn more about the practices and methods of the hCG diet, I strongly urge to pick up a copy of the manuscript by Dr. Simeons. But since then there have been many other diets based on hCG, he developed the original and offers a comprehensive look at brain chemistry, diet, and minutia of how all the elements of the diet of working together to restore their metabolism, helping you to lose weight and keep it.

Related entries:

What does it mean hCG? does HCG diet is safe? does the diet is dangerous hCG?HCG HCG diet WarningsOral DropshCG diet recipe CookbookhCG DropsHCG diet - direct benefits and effects on DietersThe weight loss cure ReviewHCG diet MenTags side-effects: approach, dr. brain chemistry, calorie restriction, calorie per day diet, recipes simeons, endocrine disorders, Fetal nutrition, hard time, HCG diet INFO, human chorionic gonadotropin, hypothalamus, incarnations, Invaluable resource, lose weight, metabolism, muscle tissue, pregnant women, several milesHambre diet, additional doses

More hCG Diet Books Reviewed

hCG Diet Books Reviewed

The Weight Loss Cure came into the public conscious in 2007, and since then there have been a few hCG diet books to written to help you find success on the hCG diet.

Pocket Guide To The hCG Protocol

This is NOT a how-to for the HCG diet, The Pocket Guide to the HCG Protocol is a purse size summary to carry for convenience.

It briefly covers rules for each phases of the hCG diet; give nutritional food chart on 1,000 foods, drinks, and condiments telling you if each item is allowed, or not for each phase.

My hCG Tracker

This daily journey not only has daily motivational quotes, but it also helps you track the foods you eat at each meal. This may help some see trends in stalls or gains during the hCG diet that may cause diet failure.

The hCG Diet Made Simple: Your -Step-By-Step Guide Beyond Pounds and Inches

A very comprhensvie book based on Dr. Simones Pounds and Inches and Kevin Trudeau The Weight Loss Cure. The author does a great job explaining the hCG diet for anyone who wants to do the diet without a doctor.

The book goes a step further with helping you maintain your loss and really making it permanent for those that Yo-Yo.

Corinne T. Netzer Encyclopedia of Food Values

Not a hCG diet book but if you need a book that give you calorie count nutritional value, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals in your food, this book is it.

During and after the hCG diet you should know what you are eating and this book give it to you.

The Yeast Connection

If you did suggestions by Kevin Trudeau and did a Candida cleanse then you should have had immediate changes. However, if you did not but still have gas, mood issues, fatigue and health problems Candida is not the 1st diagnose your doctor will give you and you need to pick up this book and learn more about Candida.

Intense sugar cravings, sick, tired, no energy, depressed, gas, bloating, join pain, poor diet of processed foods and doctors not finding anything medically wrong? Then you need to read this book

These are a few of the better hCG diet books to help you with losing weight, keeping it off and better health.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Plan of diet HCG - the solution to your weight loss problems

An overview of the HCG diet Plan

Among the many programs of weight loss, HCG diet plan developed by Dr. Simeon after extensive research on the hormone HCG work is one of the most popular programs.

HCG is the hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin produced in the body. Dr. Simeon noted that HCG introduced changes in the functions of metabolism in the body of a person. It stimulates the body to release all the excess fat stored in different parts of the body.

Under HCG weight loss diet plan, there is the option of choosing HCG shots or oral HCG. Strict adherence to the regime of HCG diet of the 500 calorie diet is essential. The prescribed strict diet of organic food ensures that the body gets purified, freeing it of the chemicals which add weight.

The HCG diet plan has three phases known as the load, the maintenance and stabilization phases.

In the first phase of load which will be two days, which will take 6-10 drops of HCG 6 times a day, which is more effective. They will have to eat very high-calorie foods. I could eat to accumulate fat in reserve to deal with and adjust to enter the low calorie diet.

In the second phase of maintenance that will be for 21 days, which take 6-10 drops HCG 6 times a day, which is more effective. Then start to work on VLCD (very low calorie diet), the 500 calorie diet as the HCG diet regime.

In the third stage of stabilization will be 21 days or more depending on the goal of weight loss, which takes 6-10 drops of HCG day 6 times, it is more effective. The that can increase your calorie intake and eat any food organic but avoiding sugar and starch.

At the end of the three phases, which would lose about 40 kg. They would have to comply strictly with the plan of diet for weight loss of HCG for good results.

Benefits of the HCG diet Plan

When people eat food over the demand for body, there is an excessive energy intake. This leads to the accumulation of fat in the body, resulting in a State where body fat is more than normal. This is the reason why almost 50% of women in the world are overweight. More than a third of them are obese.

The HCG diet plan benefits Obesity and the people of over-weight significantly. The plan is effective for anyone who wants to lose that weight extra and also for those who are struggling to maintain your weight for a long time.

From the third day onwards, the dieter has a consumption of just 500 calories, but the body burns to almost 2000 calories. The additional calories from fat already accumulated in the body were burned. Only the unhealthy fat gets burned to reduce livestock weight. They will remain the minerals, vitamins and muscle in the body. During these three weeks of maintenance, the HCG hormone taken daily dose activates the metabolism and releases the stored fat. While the dieter is calories will continue to consume low-calorie foods in small quantities, they burned.

The HCG diet Plan has many advantages. The plan stresses the importance of eating healthy foods with healthy eating habits and staying healthy, without addition of fat in the body and become obese. Over the years, millions of people have benefited from the programme. The HCG diet plan has proved to be a healthy diet program, safe and comfortable. The strict regime helps people to shed weight in quick time. Once you have weight loss, the stabilization phase helps to maintain and manage your weight for many years.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Importance of the HCG diet foods to loss of fat from life

HCG diet food

The known four main components of the HCG diet consist of: 1) a source of meat proteins fat basses; (2) a plant; (3) a fruit; (and 4) biscuits or peaks. These four categories are mainly two of the three groups, i.e., proteins and carbohydrates. All of them are low in fat (vegetable fruit, meat), or without fat (biscuits).

Recommended meats are obviously the sources of protein. The other three categories are sources of carbohydrates. They can as whole foods (vegetables, fruits) or quantities very limited food (biscuits).

Doing work of carbohydrates and fats in the diet together

The lower carbohydrate diet of this Protocol is crucial to keep the liver become saturated with stored carbohydrates. A liver saturated with carb converts excess carbohydrates triglycerides that go back into the bloodstream and eventually to the storage of information in the fat cells. None of these outcomes is healthy when excessive.

The phase of the diet of HCG hormone remains under amounts of dietary fats and carbohydrates, which is why hormone can direct the removal of body fat stored. This would not happen without low dietary fats and carbohydrates. This also explains why cosmetics and skin products containing oils can undermine fat metabolism.

HCG diet foods for weight control for life

Own food choice is excellent for the life of a healthy diet in many respects. These foods can be eaten in sufficient quantities to meet daily caloric needs of any basal metabolic rate.

Food that alters the metabolic balance still do. Examples of sugars, starches and processed carbohydrates from all sources, especially those of wheat and rice. It also includes super sweet like grapes and banana fruits.

Staying slim after not guaranteed HCG

Many clinics of HCG diet overhyped and promotions online claim that the HCG diet will keep their fat for the rest of his life. This is poppycock. These claims mislead people that do not have to change their lifestyles. Here is what I guarantee: if reaching your weight of destination using the HCG Protocol, and then go back to eat food which made fat first, get fat again. It is as simple as that.

The problem with protein

This food group is routinely ignored in almost all diets for weight loss, at least with regard to the concern about the effects on weight gain. Arguments instead revolve solely around the functions of fats and carbohydrates. However, protein, play a role in the maintenance of body fat. This is a complicated issue that deserves articles on its own. However, here is that more than 50 years of research shows very clearly: you will live a long and healthy life if the amount of protein eaten constitutes only 5 percent of your total calories.

Excess protein is, indeed, a problem. We eat too much of it, especially of food of animal origin.

Good news for a vegetarian diet HCG

You don't need a source of protein dedicated to all. Typical sources of protein for vegetarians (beans and grains) would not work during the Protocol due to their high carbohydrate content.

However, you can get all the protein you need spinach. The good news is that you can eat all spinach you want and never interrupt their progress during the HCG Protocol. And it will never be hungry if eaten as spinach that can contain.

By the way, this Council extends also to adopt a style of living vegan for life. Studies have shown in and about the excessive protein intake, mainly of food of animal origin, is bad for the health in many ways. Being overweight is only one of these forms.

HCG diet - new perspectives

HCG diet plan

The original plan was created by a British doctor, Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, in his clinic in the Hospital, international Mutidi Salvator in Rome in the 1950s. His book, pounds and inches, describes his discovery and experience with the Protocol. Also describes the Protocol in sufficient detail for any reader to follow without difficulty. This book is available on many Web sites.

The purpose of this article is to provide updated information on the HCG diet and drill at least a few fallacies that have arisen in this regard.

Public perception vs scientific research

As you might expect, media on Dr. Simeons Protocol has been uneven. This is expected because of the yellow press, not necessarily by the merits of the own protocol. For this reason, using HCG for weight loss, it was called controversial. This controversy has been composed from scratch.

Most of the scientific research to assess HCG for weight loss was published during the 1960s and 1970s. Some medical researchers confirmed the original results of Dr. Simeons in controlled clinical experiments. Other medical researchers have been able to confirm these results, even when following the same experimental design. In any case, this would be a legitimate source of controversy. However, the media has never mentioned this body of research.

500 Calories per day does not lead to hunger

People of all professions, professionals of the health and the public in general, are rightly that a 500 calorie diet single day would be very little food for normal metabolism. What does not take into account is that the HCG hormone changes metabolism to compensate for the calories of the Simeons protocol restrictions. This means that abnormal fat becomes a source of calories for everyday life.

This means that you can live out their own fat when you use the prescribed dose of HCG and eat food prescribed in the right amounts. Explain how the Protocol in this Declaration comes through to some people like pure gibberish, so everything can be addressed is the fear of living in only 500 calories per day. Don't seem to mind that another 2000 calories can come from the own fat.

New perspectives on the functioning of HCG

Dr. Simeons shrewdly noted that HCG affects the metabolism of fats by the hypothalamus of the brain of signalling. He was guessing that this protein hormone fit on the hormone receptors of sorts that were already in the brain. The exciting thing about his conjecture is that, in 1994, was discovered a new hormone protein influence the metabolism of fats by signaling the hypothalamus, too. This hormone, called leptin, is now known as the main fat hormone.

Current research on laboratory animals is beginning to show how HCG and leptin can interact through signals the same receptor sites in the hypothalamus. The research on this interaction is too new to show how this works. However, HCG and leptin clearly influence each other. In addition, the influence of leptin on insulin also leads to an indirect answer between insulin and HCG. A property shared by all these protein hormones is that overexposure to each leads to resistance. Leptin resistance leads to too much fat storage. Insulin resistance leads the sugar metabolism in abnormal blood (and storage of fat) and ultimately to diabetes. Resistance of HCG simply stops this hormone working completely.

Benefits of unusual side

As a result of the HCG diet weight loss, skin appears to reduce, too. The benefit is that, unlike other diets for weight loss and loss of weight even skin surgery not be loose and saggy while losing weight.

Some people believe that a great benefit of HCG is that it works regardless of whether exercise. The full Protocol is effective if they sit on the couch all the time or run 10 kilometers per day and at the same level of effectiveness in any way.

The FDA perspective

The FDA is not a government agency dealing with help us to be healthy. It is the arm of the implementation of the pharmaceutical industry. The position of the FDA about HCG for weight loss is irrelevant to anything useful to the public. In fact, I predict that the FDA will prohibit the use of this hormone to lose weight, as soon as it gets enough attention to threaten the pharmaceutical industry.

False fear things on HCG

HCG was called hormone of pregnancy because pregnant women produce high levels of during the first quarter. A subunit of this complex protein is also produced by women during menstruation. Comments that imply some sort of feminization of males taking HCG are simply silly. Quite the contrary, since body builders use HCG to restore low levels of testosterone after taking a series of anabolic steroids.

HCG is not only a hormone that is produced only by women. Men have the genetic mechanisms to produce it, too. One of the subunits appears in measurable quantities as a product of certain types of cancer. Clinically, it serves as a marker of testicular cancer. Keep the line of this cause and effect. Testicular cancer causes a positive HCG test, rather than the reverse. Comments on the Internet that invoke the fear of HCG, which cause cancer get this cause and effect to the rear.

Does maintaining long term weight loss - really?

No loss of weight in this Protocol does not give carte blanche to eat wrong without consequences. Ice cream and cookies will be fat, regardless of whether lost weight in the present Protocol or any other type of diet. Claims keep bacon are true only when to take the appropriate lifestyle changes that support healthy weight management. It is logical. If you do things that made fat first, then those same things it will you fat again.

Dr. Dennis Clark is a retired Research Professor scientific and University. Use their experience to explain the real science of natural health. See what has to say, "myths and truths about the HCG weight loss diet" and "27 The most common questions and answers about the HCG diet," which are available for free at

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

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Tuesday, 7 June 2011

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Monday, 6 June 2011

HCG - the wrath of most recent diet diet plan

What is on? The HCG diet Plan is the name of a program of weight loss that combines the hormone HCG as a supplement with a program of the intake of 500 calories a day. The diet incorporating HCG is not new and was in fact developed in the 1950's by a British endocrinologist. And depending on who is talking about the HCG Protocol is one or the other, a fantastic solution to problems of weight loss or a dangerous and costly scam that threatens the health of the participants of the diet.

The hormone involved is actually a hormone of fertility or pregnancy that can be taken in drops or injections. Initially proven British doctor hormone in male and female patients and together with a diet low in calories, found lost weight in some parts of his body. Today, with the resurgence of the popularity of the hormone, some physicians write prescriptions for daily injections and have established different plans to suit the needs of the client at cost of $650 or more.

The Hcg Protocol is sold as a plan of 26 day HCG diet that helps people to lose 20-25 pounds or 40 day HCG plan that will help the participants to lose 30 pounds. People have reported losing 1-2 pounds per day during the diet with very little fatigue due to the low calorie diet.

A 500 calorie diet is considered by most of the professionals of health dangerous and borderline malnutrition. No less than 1200 calories per day are considered sufficient to meet most of the adult nutritional needs. The argument is that, with or without hormone, a 500 calorie diet is bound to produce weight loss. With a low calorie hormone intake HCG the body signals to burn abnormal fat in your body giving energy go your day. The HCG diet plan also incorporates vitamin b-12, which promotes energy.

The hormone appears to help curb the pangs of hunger and appetite, whereas HCG drops eliminates all sugars, alcohol, carbohydrates, and dairy products. HCG weight loss program participants believe that the effect of the hormone is what is keeping them in the diet low in calories. They are encouraged to buy organically grown, produced and processed food products. Some HCG diet plans are configured through health care programs for the periods of rest between treatments so that the body is not immune to the hormone (HCG drops). Rest periods also give the body a break from the strict diet, low in calories.

While the FDA, Government and medical communities have issued warnings, the participating rave on the success of the diet. Known and rare, caused by hormone problems can include headaches, cramps in the legs, constipation, blood clots and temporary hair thinning the HCG Protocol is not 100% risk-free.

Is the HCG diet plan a secure... is the HCG diet plan a safe, successful and effective way to lose unwanted weight? Some argue that it is, but according to the FDA and medical professionals most is not.

Before starting the HCG diet plan or any weight loss program, it is important to consult a doctor before you start. Make sure that you are also informed of all the pros and cons of HCG. This article aims to help you make a decision when choosing the plan diet HCG as your weight loss solution.

HCG diet myths

They have probably heard about the HCG diet plan and the alleged dangers of HCG diet. These dangers are mostly myths. The HCG diet hormone works safely and can be done by any person following the instructions established by the Dr. Simeons HCG diet works Yes,.

Here are some of the more common myths:

Myth 1: only consumes 500 calories is not secure.

All weight loss diets are based on consuming fewer calories. The point of diet is to burn more calories they consume. When the body does not get the calorie intake is used, then that it consumes fat, causing weight loss. Typical normal daily intake is around 1,000 to 2,000 calories. Cut up to 500 calories in the weight of HCG diet loss may seem drastic, but it is not. Using the HCG hormone that will turn your body stores fat for the remaining 500 to 1500 calories needs for energy.

However, after this very low calorie diet is not recommended without the use of the hormone HCG. In this case you must use proper diet, such as HCG supplements.

Myth 2: drops are not safe, or are unnecessary.

There is no evidence to support that HCG drops are not safe. They are absolutely necessary for the diet to work. The HCG diet consumed less than half the calories eating normally, perhaps more. HCG helps your body be more efficient taking advantage or burning stored fat. So while he is eating just 500 calories a day burning anywhere from 1500 to 4000 calories a day. HCG also suppresses the appetite. If you've never had pain of hunger, then you know how likely you are to eat when it shouldn't. The diet simply cannot be without falling.

Myth 3: the diet do not require any exercise for what is unhealthy or unsafe.

There has been no evidence that this diet unhealthy or unsafe. Once again, it must be done according to the Dr. Simeons Protocol. 500 calories is a low number of people not used to and exercise burn calories too fast. This may cause to be overly fatigada. People on the HCG diet can do moderate walk if they have already done you an exercise routine.

The people who make the claims that the HCG diet is insurance have simply not done their research. HCG is a legitimate weight loss plan. Now that these myths have been challenged, you can be sure that this diet plan is a healthy and there is no danger of HCG diet.

HCG diet drops

Today people are so busy in their routines that they only focused on their diets correctly. Because of tight work schedules, we can not include routine exercises or physical healthy in our way of life. Also, incorrect habits as the consumption of fast food, strongly to rely on processed foods and diet fat has increased the problem of obesity and overweight in the masses. Medical science has proven that being overweight can cause several serious diseases such as heart problems, cholesterol, diabetes, cancer and other problems. Greater awareness of the disadvantages of obesity has forced people to use various commercially available products intended to reduce the loss of weight. But really speaking the most of them are fallacies fair and based on false allegations. Then, is how one can achieve a healthy body in the form? There any effective or permanently to reduce excessive body weight? HCG diet drops an integral part of the diet are permanent means of weight loss and maintaining a smart, tense body. But what really is HCG?

HCG diet drops basically comprise of the hormone HCG, i.e., chorionic Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone, a substance that is naturally produced by pregnant women. As the embryo developing in order to grow, they require access to the mother store fats. The HCG hormone allows the fetus extract fat from those stores wherever necessary. HCG diet drops are an integral part of the plan of diet, which is a loss of revolutionary and effective weight designed by Dr. Simeons, a British endocrinologist, A.T.W who in the 1950s he studied the effects of HCG weight loss and after years of research which concluded that it can help HCG regulates the key functions of the body and help to reduce the weight. It presents a plan for complete meals which helps keep the weight over a long period of time.

These drops of the diet are homeopathic medications and hence safe to use without harmful side effects. The Dropsbasically of HCG diet, encourage the present in the human body hypothalamus gland. In turn, gland burns fat deposits in the body to meet the energy needs of routine, and therefore they control the body weight.

Some nutritionist recommended daily intake of HCG drops, as per the given dose may help to lose almost a pound of body weight daily. But in order to obtain the necessary results, we must also follow other postulates of this diet plan. Diet plan should limit their intake of calories to just 500 calories per day during the initial few days (most first 21 days) with 2 that hCG diet drops (orally or by injection) for the best results. You can visit HCG diet Drop website to learn about the complete diet plan and its benefits.

HCG diet drops promotes weight loss in men and women, slows down your appetite and increases the rate of metabolism and helps break down fat deposits accumulated inside his body. HCG drops also attacked the sites, in which you want to delete the excess fat rapidly as areas around their thighs, hips, stomach and arms as these areas are especially visceral fat deposit (the bad fats) and experts argue with HCG diet that burns the visceral fat in the first.

Although there is no any side effect, it is always advisable to consult your doctor before starting this diet plan and taking HCG diet drops.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Side effects of HCG diet are completely harmless

The folly of zero figures and diet is increasing these days and everybody tries to lose the kilos of more than one form or another. After all these harsh exercises, diets and weight loss programs often people tend to resign if they do not obtain results they wish to. For all those people with failed attempts but more willingness to lose weight, there is an option to take photos or HCG diet drops (human chorionic gonadotropin). It's the hormone usually produced in equal amounts in men and women; However, in pregnant women occurs in abundance to provide nutrition to the fetus. Within the market, it is sold under the brand name of HCG diet and is available in oral drops and injections. HCG diet acts on hypothalamus glands known to regulate the metabolic rate and effectively reduce the craving for food or feelings of hunger. More hunger means more intake of food into weight gain and increased desire for food is the main reason for the increase in weight.

So far, no negative impact of the diet is observed and it is known that they offer good results in people with all ages and sexes. One of the important consultation around the users perspective before and during the use of HCG diet is about side effects. Despite the effectiveness of the HCG diet, have some side effects that are very insignificant body not harmful to humans. Adequate and comfortable method of consumption is recommended for this diet, which will help to reduce side effects.

HCG injections are available in the market for a long time and many people prefer due to the rapid pace with that Act. However, these injections may cause some effects such as blood clots, please, make sure that these side effects are not due to the content of HCG, but due to the methods undertaken to inject them aside.

Apart from injections, another method to consume HCG diet is use of oral HCG drops. This is very simple and easy process called sublingual medications method, which is ingested a drop of HCG after consumption after keeping under the language for at least 30 seconds. This method allows the contents absorb rapidly beneath the surface of the tongue and quickly enters the bloodstream. The effectiveness of drops is similar to the injections, but it is much safer and easier than the use of injections.

Some of the common side effects experienced after starting the HCG diet are headaches, dizziness, irritability, light water retention and leg cramps. These effects are generally reactions of voluntary body detoxifying all the unnecessary food consumed before the intake of the diet. Along with diet, increased water intake is necessary, that helps mechanism of body to begin to lose additional fats accumulated in different parts of the body due to unwanted irregular food chemicals. You can reduce the headache by taking medications such as pain relievers, either be you was automatically used after a few days of regular diet. Leg cramps usually happen after starting this diet because potassium deficiency, and to mitigate the effect of eating bananas or taking potassium supplements is the best way.

Before buying the HCG diet of online stores you have to understand that there are many suppliers online sale mixture of water and alcohol on behalf of the HCG diet. Please verify the authenticity of the supplier before making any purchase or consult a person or a friend since using this diet. Leave aside all concerns about side effects and be sure to use the HCG diet effectively to achieve positive results in the reduction of weight.

If you want to lose 1 pound of fat per day try our HCG diet.

Formation of HCG diet - how to start

The HCG diet is a program that helps people to lose weight and preserve lean muscle mass at the same time. This diet is rapidly increasing in popularity.

But there is a problem: there is no sufficient HCG weight loss clinics to meet the growing demand.

Therefore, you may see this as an opportunity and wants to start his own clinic or add the HCG Protocol to your existing practice. But that begin with their training HCG diet?

Firstly, there are a lot of information on the internet. This information is easily accessible and generally free. Therefore, this is a good place to start.

Start with a look at some forums and blogs of HCG. Then read the information widely available. Once this knowledge base and you are thinking about how start helping people lose weight with the HCG diet, you need to get more expertise.

Only a few resources are available that offer reliable information about weight loss program. Although the diet was it discovered more than 50 years ago, there is little documented information or material that teaches you how exactly to start and run a clinic of HCG.

You want to make sure that it can help people lose weight safely and effectively while not wait years to learn everything you need to know. There is a solution.

HCG Home Kit was developed recently by a clinic of weight loss medical of Austin, Texas, in collaboration with a marketing company also headquartered in Austin, Texas. This kit contains videos, client forms, documents, audio recordings, presentations and charts to help you get started.

This program can be a success both for the dieter and the owner of the clinic. However, the doctor and clinic owner needed a proper education to ensure the success of the client. Make sure that absorbs all the information available for the training of HCG proper diet.

Matt Clark
Member, launch of HCG
Web site:

Launch of HCG is the only program of formation of HCG diet for doctors and businessmen. 2 Years and the value of 2,500 clients of HCG diet experience has been in the HCG Starter Kit.

The HCG diet is a program of weight loss of low calorie that is growing rapidly in popularity in the United States. This diet was originally created by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons (Dr. Simeons) in the 1950s. Discovered by injecting a small amount of HCG, while a reduced calorie diet (500 calories) resulted in significant weight loss. Most importantly, it's a healthy weight loss - muscle loss was minimal to zero.

Monday, 30 May 2011

HCG diet is absolutely advisable for people who want to lose weight

Chorionic human or HCG is a hormone generated by the placenta is the latest innovation to lose weight. The HCG diet will require some drops of HCG or HCG shots in the body along with a low calorie diet. This type of diet program lose one or two pounds per day because HCG easily burn fat and calories.

There is a book called the priest of HCG weight loss Guide by Kevin Trudeau, containing suggestions and tips for people who want to follow the HCG diet and HCG injections. This book has sold more than 7 million copies around the world since 2007. The author also claims that HCG is a total cure for obesity. Even fifty years ago that this already has been proven. Trudeau claims that this diet plan is already used by thousands of people. The great thing about this diet is not to win back lost weight provided further and maintain a healthy habit to eat, the author claims that the HCG will cause abnormal fat burn or melt away, making see the body slimmer and more attractive as if you had been the subject of a liposuction.

Trudeau claims that his book was not promoted properly or is hidden from readers so that pharmaceutical companies can still make billions of dollars form its expensive treatments and medications for weight loss. However, countless Web sites about the HCG diet in the network has emerged from the book of Trudeau came out of the shelves.

Although the food and drug United States has not yet approved the use of HCG for weight loss, it is absolutely legal to send this to many countries around the world. The side effects of HCG is very rare and very mild; Some reported effects side are headaches and symptoms of pregnancy; many people think that always on the best results of weight loss, instead of worrying side effects.

In addition, you should also find out that it is the ideal way of taking HCG, if it's the drops or injections. Most experts suggest that HCG drops. This is due to the safety of use. Injections may have complications because they inject yourself with substance, and taking injections could lead to risk if you don't know hot to implement it, or you don't know use injections.

Whereas with drops, only put a small amount of these below the tongue; It is enough to see that you get the drops from a reliable source. The following which has to be determined is some problems of health. For example, if you suffer from diabetes, consult your doctor first, before taking the HCG. It is not really the drops of HCG is risk, but food low in calories you take in a program of HCG. In addition, the HCG diet program can be extracted here on the net.

There are many websites that offer HCG drops or HCG shots. You can purchase them directly from a decent site. For more information about the HCG diet, simply navigate more in this Web site offers online HCG diet drops of HCG and HCG weight loss bottles etc.

Discover the truth about the HCG - effective weight loss diet or the next trend false?

Hot on the heels of Atkins, South Beach and the HCG diet, cabbage soup diet is the latest trend popular diet. However, unlike its predecessors, the HCG diet plan involves more than dietary restrictions and is certainly not for people needle phobic among us!

What is the HCG diet?

In summary, the HCG diet lasts for 40 days and has two elements. The first element is the use of the hormone HCG, a natural hormone produced in pregnant women, usually through daily injections. The second item is strict dietary changes and a rigid diet plan 500 calories per day. Results of weight loss are dramatic at least, with many people of HCG lose 30-50 lb per cycle of 40 days, however, it is of vital importance which is closely supervised by medical professionals.

What is the hormone HCG?

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG hormone was discovered in the 1920s, when researchers found in the urine of pregnant women. This is the hormone that is used to detect pregnancy when used today pregnancy tests. The purpose of the production of HCG in pregnancy is to ensure that the growing fetus receives nutrients and calories, regardless of the calorie intake of the mother.

The human body has an innate desire to maximize caloric intake and store fat, for difficult times ahead. That's why most of us have a desire for fatty foods, high in calories. However, already not live in times when food is scarce and never get the "hard times", by which the storage of fat leads to weight gain and problem areas, normally the hips, abdomen, legs and buttocks. During pregnancy, HCG hormone, redistributes and mobilizes fat of problem areas and overrides the desire to ensure the baby's growth.

In the 1950s, Dr. a. T. w. Simeons discovered that HCG had other benefits associated with weight loss. During his research with adolescents, noted that the use of HCG helped to eat less without suffering any pangs of hunger and its attention to HCG as a dietary supplement and was born the HCG diet...

Actually can we survive on 500 calories per day?

In a Word...Yes... However, that it is not recommended for people of a healthy weight and pose significant limitations. Things have improved in this respect, and now there are a number of great resources, recipes and books of dieter HCG recipes specifically designed for people of HCG.

The risks of the HCG diet

No diet is without risk and the company that any extreme weight loss program should involve consultation with medical professionals. Vitamin supplements are always recommended as a diet with a low caloric intake raises problems in terms of nutritional value. In general, the HCG diet is a safe and effective weight loss program, however, the growing number of HCG people who make purchases hormones HCG from unregulated Internet sources, unlicensed has given rise to concerns.

The benefits of the HCG diet

With obesity and health related risks increase, the HCG diet is a very effective weight loss solution, as it is administered and supervised by a medical professional. To report the loss of dramatic weight and almost immediate in the HCG weight loss program. Providing the dieter it sticks to the dietary limitations, the results are really amazing. Resources for recipes of HCG makes the mouth water increasing day by day, dietary restrictions can now be administered without feeling like you've become a rabbit!

Medical opinion of the HCG diet

The medical community is somewhat divided on the HCG diet. While many physicians are advocates, other issues surrounding the appropriate medical supervision and the merits of hormone treatment itself. There is growing evidence to suggest that the effectiveness of HCG diet would be unaffected if people were to give the hormone element and simply adhere to rigid dietary changes.


There is absolutely no doubt that the HCG diet is very effective and that it is enjoying dramatic weight loss. However, there are medical concerns and it is important that anyone considering hormone therapy to do so with the support of the health care provider. There are questions about whether the HCG hormone therapy really has no effect and could be worth trying the dietary element in isolation before embarking on daily injections of HCG hormone.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

The HCG diet calculator

You can use a hCG calculator to measure your body mass index (BMI) when they are taking the hormone hCG and follow the diet hCG to help lower unnecessary weight. A calculator of hCG is also any Calculator is able to help you with their portions of food and weight. These calculators are generally used for health problems related to obesity, which includes heart conditions, diabetes and hypertension. To use a HCG calculator to measure your BMI, you want to make sure that your body mass index is always lower than 25. The calculation of body mass index is based on the height and weight. Sometimes the body fat in someone is underestimated by his body mass index, which normally occurs when the person is of muscular type.

A calculator of HCG is also usually used to determine the level of Beta HCG in pregnancy. During the first four weeks of pregnancy, levels of HCG usually doubles every two days. Significantly slows down the stage of the pregnancy progresses. You can use a calculator of HCG to enter the date of the blood test and the level of HCG beta version that day. The beta version of HCG level of entry on the day of the next test of blood and you can calculate the progress of the HCG hormone.

When losing weight, you can use a calculator of consumption of calories as HCG calculator to calculate how many calories burned in the HCG diet plan. A pound of fat equals 3500 calories a day. Therefore, if you are following the 500 calories a day HCG diet plan, which must be recording a pound of fat per week.

Normally our bodies do not function efficiently as what is expected by the calculator and therefore should also think about other factors that play a role during his HCG weight loss program. When the HCG hormone stimulates the hypothalamus gland, your metabolism will increase and will be able to quickly lose weight as you burn calories more efficiently.

Nutrients calculator is another useful HCG calculator that can be used in your weight loss plan. This calculator brings together his diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. A calculator "compaction" could be used to measure the muscle or weight gain. There is evidence of our bodies to a "weight loss plateau" in response to the lower intake of calories. This is generally poor, especially when you're in distress as you still remains a very low calorie diet. You can only get from the weight loss plateau to increase your metabolic rate, and based on the hormone HCG diet plan can help you to do so. While following this incredible plan, can use any of the calculators as a diet calculator available weight loss hCG to help calculate the speed is losing weight.

The main cause of the side effects of HCG diet

Today, people seek the best and effective diet. Obese people are looking for the weight more effectively reduce plan on internet. They want to achieve the best results with the minimum risk their health.

This diet plan is a system of food that is appropriate for obese patients. This program of diet uses the treatment of hormone HCG and procedure of extreme diet. To keep a diet very low in calories to 23 or 46 days. This diet system works properly if users follow the system religiously diet. The HCG hormone works in the body of the obese people by activating the stored fat. This condition is the cause of weight loss in your body.

This method of special diet was made by a doctor in Europe. Dr. Simeons discovered the function of HCG in the human body while she was pregnant. The procedure of the diet can be followed by any normal people. This diet system can be easily managed by any obese person. With proper guidelines and dedication, which can achieve the best result.

Like other diet methods, HCG diet plan has many critics. Several people, mainly from medical arena question the value of the HCG hormone in weight loss program. The HCG diet is not yet approved for medical reasons, but many people use this method. These people argue that the HCG treatment is dangerous and can lead to serious medical problems. Some of the critics declare that HCG has many bad side effects. They argue that HCG causes muscle pain, headache regular, swelling of limbs and discomfort. These side effects are due to an incorrect amount of HCG. Incorrect method of HCG diet is very risky. Complaints about malfunction of HCG are due to counterfeit products of HCG. Therefore, before you buy HCG, which must confirm the trustworthiness of suppliers of HCG.

Lately, there are studies that suggest that the hormone HCG is effective for weight loss problem. There is no serious case related products of HCG. This hormone will not cause serious consequences that are feared by the critics of HCG. Although they are claims that this method of diet does not work correctly. These claims have not been medically proven.

Counterfeit products of HCG are very dangerous to human health. Hormone counterfeit products are the main cause of the side effects of HCG. Therefore, before you buy, which must verify the credibility of the manufacturers of HCG.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

HCG diet reviews

The latest trend in the diet, which in reality is not so new, still other diets as Adkins and South Beach diets. The HCG protocol that involves taking a fertility hormone, either oral or injection and is accompanied by a 500 calorie diet plan. The HCG program is getting raving comments - mixed and conflicting fact and opinion.

The more traditional news sources categorize the hormone treatment as a fad diet - another form of Quackery as snake oil remedy stories that have prevailed throughout the history of this country. HCG diet reviews one recalls the treatment of the diet of 1950 by swallowing a worm of the tape, while another compares rabies HCG the 1920's era a special SOAP pounds could do miraculously disappear with a simple touch to the affected area (FAT).

Medical related to HCG diet reviews generally take the same conservative stance that HCG is nothing more that another trick which makes people believe is the remedy for the loss of the century. There is a general concern that the administration of hormones, the diet of 500 calories accompaniment is bordered by malnutrition and can cause permanent damage to health in the long term. The side effects of the use of the treatment has increased concern. The FDA has approved only the hormone for fertility purpose uses. HCG has not been approved for use as a suppressor of diet.

On the other hand, HCG diet reviews of the HCG success stories are abundant, and those which have acceded to the diet plan have very positive results. A business executive who lost weight effectively and in a timely manner, said the process was easy and efficient and she gladly would again. Others were excited by the fact that the weight losses were as fast and easily.

From the list of relevant side effects, the participants in the plan will be informed but most say that the side effects caused to stop the program. The positive effects of successful weight loss seems to overshadow the negative aspects of the treatment.

While HCG is promoted as a hormone found naturally in the body and sold with a diet as a miracle plan that will be specific areas of objectives of fat stored in many of the same pages offers to sell equipment or supplies for the product and the kits are quite expensive.

If a person is desperate for weight loss, involved in the sale of diet plans, or worried about the effects of public health in the long term, HCG diet reviews available online which focuses HCG from all angles. Most professionals think discourages abilities of drugs to curb excess weight, and credit reported weight losses to the plan of 500 calorie diet that is sold with the HCG kits. This article is to help you make a decision to examine the HCG diet. For people who have personally used the HCG diet publish their comments of HCG diet as this site is intended to help others make a wise decision when it comes to your weight loss plan.

To learn more about the HCG diet visit HCG diet check now for free information and advice on the HCG diet drops.

There are side effects of HCG diet?

You should find on the side effects of diets before them, especially if you have any medical condition, then, can not suitable for the diet. Therefore, if you are interested in testing the hCG weight loss program, must find the problems that may arise from the diet hCG.

Those who have tried the diet hCG and losing weight successfully have reported few side effects as a result of the diet. Reported, moreover, side effects are those that can occur to perform most of the plans of diet low in calories. The side effects that can occur during the phase of the diet of the hCG weight loss plan are dizziness, headache, irritability and light water retention.

If you are taking the HCG injections rather than oral drops or hormone pills, you may experience other side effects. You may have swelling and redness around the injection site if you injected with the hormone and not sure that the correct method.

Therefore, if you are not sure how to correct to inject yourself with the hormone, it is better for you to either consult a doctor to give injections of hCG or opt for the oral hCG drops/pills. Taking the hormone hCG also may result in the syndrome hyper stimulation ovarian (OHSS), which is a very rare side effect. It can cause pain in the stomach and pelvic, swelling, and shortness of breath. This usually occurs during the first round of hCG weight loss plan.

If you have any of the above mentioned side effects, inform your health care provider. Most of the time, the hormone hCG weight loss programs are on beneficial side effects. People who tried the HCG diet normally report irritability, headaches, or other common side effects as result of the hCG diet disappear after a couple of days. Instead feels hungry less often and you have cravings smaller than I expected.

In reality, the side effects of diet program hCG are usually smaller than the risk of obesity can bring. Many of those who tried the hCG success weight loss plan have reported that they have less headaches. People who have diabetes reported stability in its level of sugar in the blood, while others are surprised that they feel more energetic.

A crucial and wonderful side effect of hCG is that it resets the hypothalamus gland. This increases your metabolic rate and thus helps to get rid of fat unwanted in his body quickly and efficiently. When they have shed the extra weight that has prevented him from participating in activities to enjoy, you will get a new level of confidence.

When you lose the redundant weight, its level of self-esteem increases to a new high too. Moreover, it will be look better than before. Some people even reported that his skin now have a glow and feel tense as a result of the hormone hCG diet and plan. This is something that never experienced before.

Therefore, consider the risks and benefits of the side effects of the hCG diet and decide if the diet plan hCG is something that interested and want more information about it. You can find information about the program of diet and hormone hCG from the Internet.

Friday, 27 May 2011

HCG diet tests reveal Pros and cons

You can find out much about weight loss plan read comments of HCG diet online. Given that this diet is a controversial weight loss method, you must know the pros and cons before embarking on this journey of weight loss only.

hCG means "Human chorionic gonadotropin" and is a special hormone that occurs naturally in the placenta of pregnant women. The synthetic version of the hormone hCG, when administered by injection, tablets or oral falls, it is part of a program that has become very popular weight loss. It serves to stimulate the gland of the hypothalamus, which in turn restores their metabolism.

The diet plan hCG includes a diet than the very restrictive, using only 500 calories per day. HCG diet online reviews include the pros and cons of embarking on such a plan of drastic weight loss and data about others who have tried the plan and successful - or not.

Seems to be no position Center on whether the diet plan is not working hCG. reviews of diet hCG to plan any immediate results to follow the course in the afternoon Dr. Simeons. Simeons was the man who investigated the hCG hormone when it is used for weight loss and carefully outlined a specific course to follow to achieve the best results.

Most of the reviews of diet that are against the plan said that injections of the hormone hCG can cause pain and bruising. Fortunately, there are oral drops and pills that can be taken as an alternative. These online sites also claim that the low calorie diet can cause dizziness, irritability and headaches. But, this is true for any low-calorie diet plan. reviews ofdiet hCG can also be useful when you choose a specific product. Already there are scams online, must have recommendations on which sites offer products of pure hCG and that could be diluted or even dangerous adopt. These products could also discourage follow diet plan if there is no good results.

Any confusion on the part of the diet of this plan can ease to find reviews of HCG diet that provide more details about the plan and some offer recipes and tips to achieve ultimate success.

There are tests that indicate possible dangers in the use of the hormone hCG along with the plan. While the hCG hormone is approved by the FDA for the treatment of fertility, it is not approved by the FDA as a treatment of weight loss. Despite this, hCG seems to not cause any damage to people while he is taking the recommended dosage.

If you are concerned about the use of hCG diet weight loss plan to achieve your weight loss goals, by all means take advantage of diet reviews that offer information about the pros and cons before making a decision.

You can get information both in diets of HCG.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

What to eat in the diet of HCG: list of food

The hardest part of losing weight is sticking to a diet plan. With so many variations of programs of food in the market, is confused as to which the plan is more effective. This diet is one of them and also the most widely spoken to date diet program. The reason for this is the use of the hormone HCG and the restriction on a 500 calorie diet plan. With that very low requirement one must wonder what to eat on the HCG diet.

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone that has a woman during the early stages of pregnancy. This hormone is the basis of the diet of plan outlined by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons in his book, pounds and inches. According to him, the hormone that can be taken orally or by injection, along with a strict diet of 500 calories, lose one or two pounds of weight on a daily basis.

Although the FDA approved the hormone HCG as a fertility drug, the Agency said that the hormone HCG does not contribute to weight loss. In addition, they said that weight loss is the result of the very low calorie diet. But before the list of foods for the HCG diet, let's first talk about the Protocol outline.

In general the Protocol is a difficult diet plan continue due to the restriction to consume a 500 calorie diet. Therefore, if you want to succeed in this programme, dedication and discipline are essential.After a guide without doubt help you with this.

The program itself has three phases. First phase is to eat protein-rich foods and avoiding foods that have high carbohydrates and fats. The second phase restrict you to a 500 calorie diet, of course, with the oral ingestion or injection of hormones HCG. The third phase is all about maintaining his weight reached. However, the list of foods for the phase 1 HCG diet is the same as in phase 2. For this reason that many people are confused about what to eat on the HCG diet. These questions as, what is the list of foods for this diet, are the recipes for the phase 1 HCG diet the same as in phase 2 and what is on the menu for the HCG diet? All this can answer here, so read on.

Specifically, the diet requires small portions of meals in a day. For breakfast, it is recommended that you drink coffee or tea (green tea or Chamomile is best) without added sugar and the artificial. You might have an Apple or half a grapefruit on the second day of their diet. Lunch and dinner are the same, with 100 grams of meat or fish, vegetables of your choice and a piece of bread.

The recipes for the phase 1 HCG diet called so Cook cooked food, grilled or broiled. You can also put some herbs and spices to make some changes to your menu. According to the plan of diet here is the list of foods for the diet of HCG can choose to guide you in your diet:

? Of meat and sea food - meat, chicken, beef and veal breast (all lean parts only); fish white, lobster, shrimp, meat of crab, tilapia or halibut.

? Vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus, radish, spinach, chard, green salad, chicory, fennel, onion, cabbage, and celery

? Fruit - apple, grapefruit, Strawberry

? Number and beverages: Melba toast, sticks of bread, coffee and tea. Herbs and spices such as Rosemary, thyme, Basil and oregano.

It is suggested you for organic food and if you're hungry between meals, drink much water rather than only coffee and tea. Specifically, the Protocol establishes that they do not exceed 500 calories a day.

In short, this is essentially what to eat on the HCG diet. Above is really easier help that do so. However, if it really is the challenge to lose weight, it is better to prepare before starting the diet.

The HCG diet Plan explained

The very popular HCG diet was researched and developed in the 1950s by Dr. A.T. w. Simeons. Thousands of people have lost with success and were kept off significant amounts of weight with the HCG diet.

The reason that the HCG diet is so popular is that people lose weight quickly. Most people lose 20 to 30 pounds or more within 30 days following the diet HCG, written by Dr. Simeons.

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. Its objective is to ensure that the fetus is fed excessive maternal fat stores where there are not enough nutrition from feed the baby growing.

Dr. Simeons had spent many years studying the connection between HCG and weight loss. He realized that the HCG triggering the hypothalamus to produce this version of fat rich in nutrients in pregnancy. From there, his research focuses on translating in a protocol of very specific diet that would strictly work to lose weight.

He found that HCG pairing a diet very low-calorie for specific foods caused 3000 to 4000 calories a day in excess of body fat to be released quickly, used and deleted. HCG gives the body the calories you need each day from these stores of fat. That's what prevents hunger to eating just 500 calories a day in the diet.

Other low calories without HCG diet the body goes into starvation mode to preserve excess fat stores. Of course, this has the opposite effect. The metabolism slows down, making it very difficult to burn fat unwanted, abnormal. Instead, what is burnt first muscle tissue are and healthy fat, which is what causes fatigue and weakness in the diets. With HCG, excessive fat stores are used for energy, but it has not touched the muscle tissue and healthy fat.

Skeptics of the HCG diet argue that anyone can lose weight by eating just 500 calories a day. But they ignore the reality that people of HCG have very little or no hunger throughout the 23 to 60 days. They also ignore the fact that those who adhere to the HCG diet benefits that do not occur with other weight loss plans:

Reform, or re-sculpting of your body
Less eating orgy
Much less need of emotional eating
Less anxiety after the diet
A significant decrease in inches
A new "theoretical" weight that allows to eat without normal profit

While the HCG diet is perfect for losing stubborn unwanted pounds, it is popular with that for many other reasons:

Exercise is not necessary, but okay light activity, such as walking or yoga
No special meals, prefabricated, without counting the points
Much lower purchase invoices
Resets the metabolism, aid to the weight stay long-term
No prescription for HCG drops
Obstinate abnormal fat Burns of thighs, hips, arms, abdomen and buttocks
Homeopathic oral HCG is very safe, effective and cheap.

The HCG diet is the perfect way to lose anywhere from 15 to 500 pounds. Use the resources of one's body to feed on a natural and healthy process that is as old as the human body. Because HCG objectives only excess fat, works very well the problem areas where the stubborn fat stores are.

HCG diet results are often dramatic, even more so with the men. Unlike other diets, those using the HCG diet is easier to maintain your weight loss, what makes it really worth the penalty the weight loss in the first place!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Exercise Without Effort

Exercise Without EffortIt is a fact of modern life that most people do not exercise enough.
This , allied to a diet which is heavy on sugar and fat laden fast foods, has
led to a tidal wave of overweight and obese people in most Western
countries, a tidal wave that is becoming increasingly difficult to turn back.
The problem is that, for most people, it is all too easy and convenient not to
take exercise.
If you need the basic everyday groceries - even if it is only a carton of milk
or a loaf of bread - it is quicker and more convenient to hop in the car and
drive to the store than walk.
If you have to get to the third or fourth floor when you go to the office, it is
easier (although not always quicker) to take the elevator as opposed to the
Yet many people are willing to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars
every year to be a member of a gymnasium or a fashionable fitness club in
order to stay in shape.
That really does not make a great deal of sense, so this book is here to tell
you that it does not have to be that way!
I am going to show you how to keep your money in your pocket and
exercise the natural way, in a way that you don't even really notice.
Mankind managed to survive for thousands of years before anyone ever
came up with the idea of 'working out at the gym'.
Sure, the life expectancy of modern man has increased significantly over the
past couple of hundred years, but I suspect that this has little to do with the
proliferation of fancy fitness clubs and expensive gymnasia.
The good news is that exercise can be taken naturally every day. With a
little thought, it is not difficult to think of lots of opportunities for taking
exercise without resorting to spending your hard earned cash on fitness club
Let us start by looking at why exercise is so important in modern life.


Introduction 3
Why is exercise important? 4
Some sensible precautions 6
Walking is a good start 7
How much walking should I do? 8
Forget the elevator 10
Working out in the house and garden 12
Getting there even quicker 14
Swim like a fish! 17
Skip to be fit 21
Stretching, bending and toning 23
Yoga 24
Unusual exercises you've never thought of 26
Exercising your face 26
Feet and leg exercises 27
Back and buttock exercises 29
Conclusion 31

Price: $0.99

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Losing weight natures way

Losing weight natures wayIntroduction
It is a widely recognized and acknowledged fact that the population of
most developed Western countries is getting fatter, and we are not
talking about a gradual increase here.
The number of people who are seriously overweight or clinically obese is
exploding all over the Western world.
Firstly, it indicates that you or somebody that is close to you - perhaps
a family member or other loved one - has a weight problem.
Furthermore, if the individual with the problem is you rather than
someone else, this also indicates that you have acknowledged your
problem, which is often the first and hardest step.
Secondly, the fact that you are reading this now indicates that you have
decided to do something about your weight problem, and that decision
represents a very significant shift in your way of thinking and attitude to
the shape that you are in.
I don't know many overweight or obese people who are happy with
their physical condition, but I do know plenty of people who are
seemingly content to put off their decision to start losing weight to
3another day. Unfortunately for people like this, another day never
comes, either because they simply choose to ignore their problem or
because their weight problem is a primary factor that helps to kill them
off early.
I make no apology for putting it in such blunt, stark terms, because as
suggested, people who are significantly overweight or obese represent
an increasingly troublesome burden on global society.
The day when health services collapse under the weight of treating
people whose problems are generally a result of their own self-
indulgence and inability or unwillingness to curb their bad habits is not
far away if we don't start reversing the trend towards obesity very
I know that there are hospitals in the UK (which has a National Health
Service that is supposed to offer treatment to all, remember) that are
already refusing to provide treatment to people who are seriously
overweight or obese. I am certain that this is a trend that is likely to
become far more common in the years to come, and not only in the UK.
Perhaps you live in a place where you pay for medical attention and
treatment, so you might say that this will never happen to you as long
as you are willing to pay for your treatment.
Fine, but what happens when your bill doubles or triples because you
are seriously overweight or obese?
It's going to happen because the risks involved in undergoing serious
medical treatment are significantly higher for overweight or obese
people, and you can be sure that if they are not already doing so, the
medical authorities will start factoring this into the amount that they
You are reading this, so I take that as a sign that you do not want to be
overweight or obese forever.
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
What's the difference between overweight and obese? 5
Is the problem really as bad as it appears? 8
What is Losing Weight Nature's Way all about? 11
Natural weight loss is a really simple concept... 12
How much energy do you need? 13
An important distinction that you must understand... 15
Your starting point... 16
The answer is really very simple... 20
How exercise helps to accelerate weight loss... 21
Why exercise helps weight loss in more ways than one 21
What kind of exercise is best? 21
No special equipment is needed, so no excuses... 23
Other important exercise considerations... 24
Keep a journal... 25
But I don't have time for exercise... 26
You are what you eat and drink 28
Water is the essence of life 28
Balance and your digestive system... 30
The importance of vegetables 31
Eat More Fruit! 32
Negative Calorie Foods 33
Other things to include in your diet 34
Green tea 34 Price: $0.99

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