Monday, 30 May 2011

HCG diet is absolutely advisable for people who want to lose weight

Chorionic human or HCG is a hormone generated by the placenta is the latest innovation to lose weight. The HCG diet will require some drops of HCG or HCG shots in the body along with a low calorie diet. This type of diet program lose one or two pounds per day because HCG easily burn fat and calories.

There is a book called the priest of HCG weight loss Guide by Kevin Trudeau, containing suggestions and tips for people who want to follow the HCG diet and HCG injections. This book has sold more than 7 million copies around the world since 2007. The author also claims that HCG is a total cure for obesity. Even fifty years ago that this already has been proven. Trudeau claims that this diet plan is already used by thousands of people. The great thing about this diet is not to win back lost weight provided further and maintain a healthy habit to eat, the author claims that the HCG will cause abnormal fat burn or melt away, making see the body slimmer and more attractive as if you had been the subject of a liposuction.

Trudeau claims that his book was not promoted properly or is hidden from readers so that pharmaceutical companies can still make billions of dollars form its expensive treatments and medications for weight loss. However, countless Web sites about the HCG diet in the network has emerged from the book of Trudeau came out of the shelves.

Although the food and drug United States has not yet approved the use of HCG for weight loss, it is absolutely legal to send this to many countries around the world. The side effects of HCG is very rare and very mild; Some reported effects side are headaches and symptoms of pregnancy; many people think that always on the best results of weight loss, instead of worrying side effects.

In addition, you should also find out that it is the ideal way of taking HCG, if it's the drops or injections. Most experts suggest that HCG drops. This is due to the safety of use. Injections may have complications because they inject yourself with substance, and taking injections could lead to risk if you don't know hot to implement it, or you don't know use injections.

Whereas with drops, only put a small amount of these below the tongue; It is enough to see that you get the drops from a reliable source. The following which has to be determined is some problems of health. For example, if you suffer from diabetes, consult your doctor first, before taking the HCG. It is not really the drops of HCG is risk, but food low in calories you take in a program of HCG. In addition, the HCG diet program can be extracted here on the net.

There are many websites that offer HCG drops or HCG shots. You can purchase them directly from a decent site. For more information about the HCG diet, simply navigate more in this Web site offers online HCG diet drops of HCG and HCG weight loss bottles etc.

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