Monday, 30 May 2011

Discover the truth about the HCG - effective weight loss diet or the next trend false?

Hot on the heels of Atkins, South Beach and the HCG diet, cabbage soup diet is the latest trend popular diet. However, unlike its predecessors, the HCG diet plan involves more than dietary restrictions and is certainly not for people needle phobic among us!

What is the HCG diet?

In summary, the HCG diet lasts for 40 days and has two elements. The first element is the use of the hormone HCG, a natural hormone produced in pregnant women, usually through daily injections. The second item is strict dietary changes and a rigid diet plan 500 calories per day. Results of weight loss are dramatic at least, with many people of HCG lose 30-50 lb per cycle of 40 days, however, it is of vital importance which is closely supervised by medical professionals.

What is the hormone HCG?

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG hormone was discovered in the 1920s, when researchers found in the urine of pregnant women. This is the hormone that is used to detect pregnancy when used today pregnancy tests. The purpose of the production of HCG in pregnancy is to ensure that the growing fetus receives nutrients and calories, regardless of the calorie intake of the mother.

The human body has an innate desire to maximize caloric intake and store fat, for difficult times ahead. That's why most of us have a desire for fatty foods, high in calories. However, already not live in times when food is scarce and never get the "hard times", by which the storage of fat leads to weight gain and problem areas, normally the hips, abdomen, legs and buttocks. During pregnancy, HCG hormone, redistributes and mobilizes fat of problem areas and overrides the desire to ensure the baby's growth.

In the 1950s, Dr. a. T. w. Simeons discovered that HCG had other benefits associated with weight loss. During his research with adolescents, noted that the use of HCG helped to eat less without suffering any pangs of hunger and its attention to HCG as a dietary supplement and was born the HCG diet...

Actually can we survive on 500 calories per day?

In a Word...Yes... However, that it is not recommended for people of a healthy weight and pose significant limitations. Things have improved in this respect, and now there are a number of great resources, recipes and books of dieter HCG recipes specifically designed for people of HCG.

The risks of the HCG diet

No diet is without risk and the company that any extreme weight loss program should involve consultation with medical professionals. Vitamin supplements are always recommended as a diet with a low caloric intake raises problems in terms of nutritional value. In general, the HCG diet is a safe and effective weight loss program, however, the growing number of HCG people who make purchases hormones HCG from unregulated Internet sources, unlicensed has given rise to concerns.

The benefits of the HCG diet

With obesity and health related risks increase, the HCG diet is a very effective weight loss solution, as it is administered and supervised by a medical professional. To report the loss of dramatic weight and almost immediate in the HCG weight loss program. Providing the dieter it sticks to the dietary limitations, the results are really amazing. Resources for recipes of HCG makes the mouth water increasing day by day, dietary restrictions can now be administered without feeling like you've become a rabbit!

Medical opinion of the HCG diet

The medical community is somewhat divided on the HCG diet. While many physicians are advocates, other issues surrounding the appropriate medical supervision and the merits of hormone treatment itself. There is growing evidence to suggest that the effectiveness of HCG diet would be unaffected if people were to give the hormone element and simply adhere to rigid dietary changes.


There is absolutely no doubt that the HCG diet is very effective and that it is enjoying dramatic weight loss. However, there are medical concerns and it is important that anyone considering hormone therapy to do so with the support of the health care provider. There are questions about whether the HCG hormone therapy really has no effect and could be worth trying the dietary element in isolation before embarking on daily injections of HCG hormone.

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