Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The HCG Diet Plan.

How does The HCG Diet Plan work?

HCG used in conjunction with a low calorie diet triggers your hypothalamus to mobilize the locked fat out of its storage locations (yes, your hips don’t lie), so that it’s available for use.  This causes thousands of calories that have been locked to be available and to be released as fuel; as a result, you don’t feel tired or hungry with this diet as long as you are getting appropriate amounts of rest.  Your body takes on a new shape because your locked stored fat is now being consumed as fuel; structural fat and muscle tissue are ignored and kept safe.  One to three pounds of weight loss per day without exercise are typical results if you follow the HCG diet protocol we will provide you carefully.

What is HCG?

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone naturally produced in the human body. It has many functions and is used medically to treat a variety of conditions.  It is often referred to as the pregnancy hormone, but during pregnancy the levels double every two days. This hormone allows the body to metabolize stored fat and use it as energy for both mother and fetus. This acts as a “fail-safe” mechanism when energy is needed immediately. For weight loss, we use only a very small amount of HCG to capitalize on this same mechanism. Using HCG in this way does not mimic pregnancy; in fact, it can be safely used by both men and women.

HCG allows your body to reverse the effect that has kept you from losing the weight you’ve always wanted to lose.  It is normal for the body to want to store and lock excess fat, and your body has a built in tendency to try to keep your present weight and prevent drastic changes.   This is one reason why starvation dieting does not work, you tend to lose muscle mass and the not the fat that you really want to lose. Increasing HCG levels allows the body to target your locked fat reserve, release energy and lose weight at a faster pace.

Click Here for the The HCG Diet Plan Ultimate Guide

Here are some of the positive health effects that many people have reported, using The HCG Diet Plan have reported during and after participation.

Weight loss of .5-1 lb per day for women and .75-1.5 lbs per day for men

A decrease and/or elimination of some medications. The medication decrease reported most often are related to blood pressure and cholesterol medications. (Note: We do not offer ANY medical advice. You should ALWAYS check with your primary care physician/GP before starting, stopping, or changing any doses of any medications.)

More stable blood sugars, for example, with diabetics

Less aches and pains

More NATURAL energy (no stimulants or crashing from energy surges)

More focus on tasks and projects

Better skin

A more healthy eating diet and appetite, craving almonds, cheese, and eggs instead of packaged snacks, chips, or chocolate bars

A whole new outlook on food – no more kitchen raids or binging

A new skill of cooking healthy food for one’s self and one’s family

Better deeper sleep.

Click Here for the Naked Truth about The HCG Diet Plan

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